Last Updated: July 1, 2019
Welcome to the Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough! Climb aboard for a nostalgic trip down Route 66 with Emily and the O’Malley family. This is the official Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip strategy guide featuring all levels, challenges, mouse locations, trophies, and more! Choose a topic from the Contents below to get started.
Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip General Tips & Tricks
Prepare for the trip ahead with these useful tips and tricks! Learn how to play, how scoring works, as well as bonus tips and tricks. Scroll down to get started.
How to Play
Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip is a GameHouse Original Stories time management game. The goal of the game is to serve as many customers as possible within a set time limit. The better your service, the higher your score!
To get started, pick up the item or product a customer asks for by clicking the matching item from their order bubble. The item will be added to your tray. Next, bring the item to the customer. Once a customer has received all the products they’ve ordered, they’ll go to the checkout counter. Click on the register to check them out and receive a score based on your service.
Scoring and Customer Happiness
You’ll earn scores based off a customer’s satisfaction level. Each customer has hearts over their head indicating how happy they are:
5 Hearts = Ecstatic!
4 Hearts = Very Happy
3 Hearts = Happy
2 Hearts = Slightly Unhappy
1 Heart = Angry
The more hearts a customer has over their head when they check out, the higher the score they’ll give. Customers with no hearts will leave without paying, so be careful! You can earn additional bonus points by completing combos or special services:
- Checkout Combo – Check out multiple customers at the same time.
- Cleaning Combo – Clean multiple tables in a row.
- Chain Combo – Bring multiple customers all the items they want in a row.
- Full Order Bonus – Bring all the items a customer asks for in a single trip.
- Quick Bonus – Deliver all the items a customer asks for within a short period of time.
- Event Bonus – Complete the special story goal or challenge.
- Mouse Bonus – Find the hidden mouse!
Shop & Menu Upgrades
Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip features special upgrades to boost your gameplay. There are two types of upgrades: Shop and Menu upgrades.
Shop Upgrades:
Use coins earned from completing levels to purchase Shop upgrades. These upgrades offer special boosts to your gameplay, such as increasing customer patience. Click on Emily’s van on the left side of any level select map to access the Shop for that chapter. The shop can also be accessed by clicking the Shop button in the Menu Upgrades screen after selecting a level to play. Shop upgrades are unlocked per chapter location.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Shop Upgrades
Menu Upgrades:
Complete service tasks and advance in story levels to earn special product and menu upgrades. These upgrades may increase a customer’s happiness, decrease preparation time, or give bonus tips. After selecting a level to play, tap a menu item to replace it with a new product. Menu upgrades are unlocked per chapter location.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Menu Upgrade
Hidden Mice Locations
GameHouse Original Stories icon Carl the mouse is back for another Delicious adventure! A mouse is hidden in each of the game’s 60 story levels. Can you find all the hidden mice? Click the mouse location beneath a level title in the walkthrough below or visit the Mouse Locations section for the locations of all hidden mice.
Daily Challenges
Progress through the story to unlock special Daily Challenges! These challenges can be found at the bottom of the level select map once unlocked. Once per day, you can generate a new, unique challenge. Each Daily Challenge may award up to 3 diamonds. Daily Challenges reset every 24 hours.
The Campground
Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip adds a brand-new Camp feature. Click the furniture icon in the upper right corner of the level select map to access the O’Malley camp. Here, you can spend diamonds you’ve earned by completing challenges and story goals on new furniture and camping equipment for Emily’s family. How will you customize your camp?

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Campsite – GameHouse
Additional Tips and Tricks
- Clean Tables Bonus – Have all tables clean at the end of the level when the last customer has left to receive a special bonus.
- Fully Stocked Bonus – Have all items fully stocked when the last customer leaves at the end of the day to receive a special bonus.
- Restock Early – Restock all items at the start of the day to get ahead early on.
- Upgrades – You can purchase Shop upgrades or earn Menu upgrades as you play. Use these upgrades to boost your gameplay!
- Carl the Mouse – A mouse is hidden in each of the game’s 60 story levels. Finding a mouse while playing a story level will award you with a score bonus.
- Checkout Multiples – Check out multiple customers at once to multiply your score and earn valuable score bonuses.
The Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough is meant as a guide and does not contain cheats, hacks, or serials.
Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Walkthrough
Welcome to the Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough! This is the complete official strategy guide and contains all levels, challenges, mouse locations, trophies, and more! Get started by choosing a topic from the list of Contents above or keep scrolling to dive right in.
Chapter 1 – Tough Decisions
The O’Malley family could use a vacation… Chapter 1 contains Story Levels 1 – 10.
Level 1 – A Matter of Flowers
Everything is going alright for Emily, but there’s something that worries her. Patrick is not having good luck. Help her by trying to sell the maximum amount of vegetables possible.
Today will act as a tutorial, teaching you the basics of the game. Apples can be found on the tree on the right, while crates of oranges can be created by combining the crate, followed by the number of oranges the customer requests, and a ribbon. There is no story event goal to complete today.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 1
Level 2 – Influences
New horizons appear in Emily’s life. The family needs a vacation, but can they finally take it? Try to make the day easier for Emily.
A new day, and a couple new items on the menu! Bags of onions are now available. You can restock them by clicking on the onions beneath the bag on the right. Additionally, strawberries have been added and can be found beneath the spinach at the top of the screen. There is no story event today.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 2
Level 3 – Ice Cream for a Bad Mood
Patrick continues losing clients. Sometimes at the worst moments, the best solutions appear.
Earn 6 Quick Bonuses! A Quick Bonus can be earned by serving a customer their complete order within seconds of them ordering. A small notification will appear indicating the bonus has been applied. Serve 6 Quick Bonuses before the end of your shift to earn a diamond for today’s story goal.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 3
Level 4 – Injuries
Moon Blossom is worried about Patrick’s accident.
Don’t run out of stock! The only item you need to worry about for today’s story challenge are the onions. The small number beside the onion bags indicate how many are left in stock. Click on the onion to restock onion bags before they run out.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 4
Level 5 – Old Friends
A very good friend of Emily’s just got back from vacation. He is always helpful. Will he be able to help her get through a hard day at the shop?
Listen to Francois’ stories. Throughout your shift, a “!” bubble will appear over Francois’ head. Click on him when the bubble appears to listen to his stories. Hear him out 5 times during your shift to earn a diamond for today’s story goal.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 5
Level 6 – A Bad Joke
Patrick begins to fret about the future of his flower business. Meanwhile, Emily receives an unpleasant surprise.
Don’t make any mistakes during your shift. The frying pan and the smoothie machine are your main areas of concern today. Keep a sharp eye on both while they’re being used and don’t let anything burn or overflow!

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 6
Level 7 – Disappointing News
Emily doesn’t know how to tell her family about the latest problem with their vacation. They’ll have to come up with an alternative plan.
Check out more than one customer a total of 7 times during your shift. You need to check out at least 2 customers at a time at checkout to qualify toward today’s story goal.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 7
Level 8 – Patrick’s Map
Emily and the kids are playing when Patrick interrupts them to announce something.
Don’t make any mistakes during your shift. Once again, you’ll need to keep a close eye on the frying pan and smoothie machine. Complete your shift without a drink overflowing or the pan burning to earn a diamond for today’s story event.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 8
Level 9 – Nora Knocks on the Door Again
Emily’s fans have been filling Nora’s inbox for months with tons of requests for help. Emily has to decide how to handle them.
Read the fan comments. During your shift, a “!” bubble will appear over Emily’s laptop at the bottom of the screen. Click on the computer to have Emily interact with her fans. Check their comments 4 times during your shift to complete today’s story challenge.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 9
Level 10 – Getting Ready
The O’Malleys are almost ready to begin their road trip.
Earn 400 coins in tips today. The faster you finish a complete service, the happier a customer will be. The happier customers are, the more they’ll tip! Check out customers when they’re at their happiest to earn the highest tips. Remember tables tip more, so place priority on checking these folks out as soon as possible.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 10
Chapter 2 – Pit Stop
Time to dash into a diner! Chapter 2 contains Story Levels 11 – 20.
Level 11 – A Problematic Starting Point
The family’s vacation gets off to a bad start. Despite this, Emily will meet an old friend.
This is your first shift on the road: Exciting! Level 11 acts as another tutorial level, allowing you to gain your bearings around the restaurant. Make coffee by clicking on the beans on top of the coffeemaker, or create a delicious shake by combining the glass, milk, whipped cream, and chocolate flakes beneath the counter. There is no additional story event today.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 11
Level 12 – Fixing the Camper
The family’s stay at Betty’s Restaurant is going to be prolonged, so there’s time for some rock ‘n’ roll while the van’s being fixed.
Pick up all the luggage showing up at the restaurant during your shift. Patrick will occasionally enter the diner with a “!” bubble over his head. Click on Patrick to address the luggage. Interact with him a total of 4 times to earn a diamond for today’s story challenge.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 12
Level 13 – Couple’s Issues
Emily’s been working nonstop for a while now, and Patrick is still dealing with his work woes. Maybe this is a good opportunity for them to spend time together away from the kids.
Make chain combos! Serve at least two customers back-to-back a total of 6 times during your shift. Chain combos are a great way to boost your score, so try to take what you’ve learned here and apply it to other levels, too!

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 13
Level 14 – Milkshakes and Wildflowers
Betty really wants to know how things went during Emily’s date last night. Meanwhile, she and Emily will try to impress their taste-testers with a good milkshake.
Clean the mixer. The poor kitchen appliance is a disaster! A “!” bubble will mark the messy machine at the start of your shift. Click on it to begin cleaning – a meter will appear displaying your progress. Finish cleaning the machine before the end of the day to complete this story challenge.
Tip! Emily will not be the one cleaning the mixer. You can still use her to prepare and complete orders within her work range while Betty cleans. You may also stop and resume cleaning at any time.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 14
Level 15 – An Amusing Day
Emily tells Paige they should spend the day at a nearby amusement park. Will the family finally get to do something fun together?
Don’t run out of stock. The only stocked item you’ll need to worry about for today’s challenge are the coffee beans. Click on the sack of beans beside the coffeemaker to restock at any time. The small number beside the coffee beans indicate how many are left remaining in stock.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 15
Level 16 – Sick Leave
Larry’s problems seem to never end, but there is always a reason to smile… and dance.
Take care of Larry. Larry will stand beside the LP vinyl records. Each time a “!” appears near him, click on Larry to check in. Complete your shift without neglecting Larry to complete today’s story challenge.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 16
Level 17 – Bringing the Fun
The amusement park was closed due to bad weather, making Paige very sad. Betty will try to find a way to cheer her up.
Always check out more than one customer. For today’s story challenge event, you’ll need to check out at least two customers at a time. Toward the end of your shift, keep a careful eye on how many customers are remaining – if you only have one left at the register at the end of your shift, you’ll risk failing today’s story challenge. Groups of three or more customers will also count toward today’s challenge.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 17
Level 18 – Paigeland
Betty’s solution results in an outstanding “homemade amusement park”. Everybody is having fun, except for one of them…
Pay attention to Paige! Paige is standing near the LP vinyl record stand. Each time a “!” bubble appears over her head, click on Paige to interact with her. Interact with Paige a total of 4 times during today’s shift to complete this story challenge.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 18
Level 19 – Reality Bites
A group of fans visits Betty’s Restaurant to meet their idols, Emily and Larry. Their questions make them think about their future.
Don’t sell any LPs! The vinyl records are off-limits for today’s story challenge. If a customer asks for a record, simply ignore them.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 19
Level 20 – A Rocker Never Dies
Larry knows the future looks a little bleak but, like they always say, you can’t kill rock and roll!
Keep the customers happy! Check out every customer during your shift with three hearts or more to complete today’s story challenge.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 20
Chapter 3 – Perfect Strangers
Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’, keep those cheese wheels rollin’… Chapter 3 contains Story Levels 21 – 30.
Level 21 – Welcome to the Ranch
The family has stopped near a ranch to rest during the trip, but Patrick makes a mistake.
Work through your shift with Emily feeling slower and more tired than usual. A meter in the upper right corner will keep track of Emily’s current energy level. A single task or movement is usually alright, but combining actions without taking a break can quickly wear Emily out. Try taking a small break between tasks to keep Emily on her feet.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 21
Level 22 – Alfred’s Passion
Paige gets to know Alfie and learns more about his favorite hobby, which has been really bugging his dad lately.
Perform 8 quick deliveries. By bringing a customer all the items they order within a handful of seconds of their order, you’ll earn a Quick Bonus. Earn a total of 8 Quick Bonuses before the end of your shift to complete today’s story challenge.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 22
Level 23 – Business Before Pleasure
Tully is about to return to the ranch with the lost cattle, and the O’Malleys will have to leave soon.
Treat Paige’s bee sting. Paige is standing near the front gate. During your shift, a “!” bubble will appear over Paige indicating she needs your attention. Click on Paige and tend to her sting a total of 4 times to complete today’s challenge.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 23
Level 24 – Loquat Jam
Emily is preparing to make some jam with Paige and Alfie for her next video blog.
Don’t serve steaks to elders today. If a white-haired customer asks for steak, ignore them! Complete your shift without serving steak to an elderly customer to earn a diamond for today’s story challenge.
Tip! You can increase the mood and patience of table customers with a little help from the family! Click on an O’Malley, followed by a table to improve customers’ moods.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 24
Level 25 – Dandelions!
Emily is discovering Tully’s soft side. Meanwhile, Patrick finds a way to help Emily with her jam.
Encourage Tully. Tully will stand near the entrance gate. A meter will appear over his head during your shift, indicating how long you have left to comfort him. Click on Tully to encourage him. Don’t worry about Emily – she can continue to work on serving customers without moving to Tully when he’s clicked.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 25
Level 26 – Butterfly Effect
Emily is going to try out a new jam recipe. Meanwhile, Patrick is planning their next route.
Prepare 15 brochettes. You can create any combination of barbeque skewer for today’s story challenge. Cook a total of 15 skewers and add them to your tray before the end of your shift to complete this challenge. You can remove extra or unwanted items from your tray by clicking their icon. Try getting a head start and begin cooking at the very start of the day, before customers arrive!

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 26
Level 27 – Lost Before Daylight
Something is up with Alfie, and the O’Malleys have to delay their departure.
Earn 450 coins in tips. The faster you serve customers their full order, the happier they’ll become, and the happiest customers leave the biggest tips! Tables are especially generous, so place priority on serving these quickly. Earn a total of 450 coins or more in tips to complete today’s story challenge.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 27
Level 28 – Secret Hideout
Alfie is nowhere to be found. Tully is worried, but Emily has an idea.
Check out multiple customers at once a total of 7 times. To complete today’s story challenge, you’ll need to check out a minimum of two or more customers at a time. Check out at least 7 groups of multiple customers before the end of your shift to complete today’s story challenge.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 28
Level 29 – Not My Home
Alfred and his father have a big discussion. Tully then turns to Emily for help.
Deliver the products before they go bad. The moment you place an item on your tray, the meter in the upper right corner will quickly count down. If the item is still on your tray when the meter empties, you’ll need to replay today’s challenge. Be careful when serving multiple items – you may need to split up your larger orders to complete today’s challenge.
Tip! If an item is about to go bad and you’re too far away from a customer, quickly click the item on your tray to remove it before it spoils.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 29
Level 30 – Family Business
The O’Malleys are once again leaving the ranch. Tully has a plan to give Paige and Alfie time to play one last time.
Don’t let anyone’s mood drop under 3 hearts. Complete your shift without a single customer dropping below 3 hearts to earn a diamond for today’s story challenge.
Tip! Use Patrick and product upgrades to increase customers’ moods.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 30
Chapter 4 – Looks Can Be Deceiving
Don’t judge a book by its cover! Chapter 4 contains Story Levels 31 – 40.
Level 31 – Road Hogs!
A new stop during the O’Malley’s road trip, and a new adventure.
Serve customers within 30 seconds. The timer is located in the upper right corner and will begin to count down as soon as your shift starts. Each time you serve and successfully check out a customer, the timer will reset. Complete today’s challenge by serving all customers within 30 seconds of each other.
Tip! If you find yourself with time to spare, try waiting a few extra seconds before serving an order or checking out a customer. This can help you buy time if there’s a break in customer entrances.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 31
Level 32 – Patrick vs. Grill
Patrick is trying to fix Rose’s grill, but his tools keep disappearing.
Find all of Patrick’s tools. A total of 5 tools are scattered around the bar and restaurant. Find and click on all 5 before the end of your shift to complete today’s story challenge. Tool locations are pictured here:

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 32
Level 33 – Chili & Coffee
While Patrick is repairing the coffeemaker, Emily wants to post a new chili recipe.
Make enough drinks for everyone. Create and pour a total of 15 beers and add them to your tray to complete today’s story challenge. Glasses can be restocked by clicking the glasses next to the darts beneath the counter. It’s recommended you begin pouring the drinks as soon as your shift starts. You can serve any beer on your tray. To complete the challenge fastest, remove extra beer from your tray by clicking the icon and making room for more.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 33
Level 34 – A Package Full of Problems
A flirty deliveryman brings some packages and annoys Rob.
Pick up all the packages. The mailman will appear multiple times during your shift. Each time he has a package to deliver, a “!” bubble will appear over his head. Click on the deliveryman to collect the package. Pick up 5 packages by the end of your shift to complete this story challenge.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 34
Level 35 – Vlog Newbie
Emily and Rose record a video blog, but it becomes more difficult than expected.
Careful with the tray! The service tray may wobble during your shift today, causing items to spill off. You’ll need to remake any items that are lost, so tread carefully to earn today’s story event diamond.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 35
Level 36 – Patrick: 1, Grill: 0
Patrick fixes the grill, and a new day starts at Rose’s Restaurant.
Don’t make any mistakes. During today’s shift, you’ll need to be especially mindful of the chili, beer tap, and coffee machine. Complete your shift without anything burning or spilling to earn a diamond.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 36
Level 37 – Party’s Over for Rob
Rob regrets having eaten so many burgers and so much chili.
Encourage Rob to express his feelings. Rob will be sulking on the right side of the restaurant. A meter will appear over his head showing how long you have to interact with him. Click on Rob to encourage him and reset the meter. Clicking on Rob won’t interrupt your service, so click on him often to keep on top of things and earn a diamond for your efforts.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 37
Level 38 – Patrick the Storyteller
The bikers are really impressed with Patrick’s love of flowers.
Serve as fast as you can! Earn 15 Quick Bonuses by serving complete orders quickly after a customer requests a product. Complete today’s story challenge to earn another diamond.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 38
Level 39 – Rose is… Happy?
Everybody at the restaurant is intrigued by Rose’s excitement.
Prepare portions of the new chili. Cook and add a total of 20 bowls of chili to your serving tray. It’s recommended you start at the very beginning of the day and remove excess bowls from your tray as it fills up.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 39
Level 40 – Road Friends
Finally, there’s hope for Rose’s business, and the O’Malleys try to continue their journey.
Don’t let anyone’s mood drop below 3 hearts today. Complete your shift keeping all customers happy to earn a diamond for your efforts.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 40
Chapter 5 – Second Chances
Double, double, toil and trouble…! Chapter 5 contains Story Levels 41 – 50.
Level 41 – Spooky Surprises
Emily meets the eccentric owner of a very spooky restaurant.
Create 20 potions. Click on the small cauldrons to prepare the potion brew. As soon as the needle lands within the green zone, click on the cauldron to slow the brewing process. Click a cauldron again, followed by either shaped bottle, to finish preparing the potion. Excess items can be removed from your tray by clicking on them. Create a total of 20 potions before the end of your shift to complete today’s challenge.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 41
Level 42 – Love for the Spotlight
The O’Malleys and Ralph are getting to know each other. Ralph shows an interest in Emily’s video blogs.
Find Ralph! The mysterious restaurant owner will pop up around the restaurant today – quite literally! Locate Ralph and click on him successfully 8 times to complete today’s challenge. Ralph will appear in a specific order, so if you miss him once, keep an eye on the same spot until he reappears.
Tip! If you miss Ralph once or need extra time, you can buy extra time by waiting to check out the final customer, even after time’s up on the shift clock. Ralph will continue to appear up until the goal has been met or the final customer has left the restaurant.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 42
Level 43 – Not the Usual Wednesday
The whole gang is suiting up for a new show. Meanwhile, some of Ralph’s past is emerging.
Serve 6 full trays. Fill your tray up with three items customers request, then deliver them all back-to-back. You may need to break full order combos to complete today’s challenge. Take a look at the screenshot below for an example of how service during today’s shift may look:

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 43
Level 44 – Spooky Ralph is Back
The family is still enjoying Ralph’s hospitality. Some old fans come to pay Ralph a visit.
Greet Ralph. During your shift, a meter will appear over Ralph’s head. Click on Ralph to interact with him before the meter empties. Finish your shift without ever letting the meter run out to complete today’s challenge. Emily can still work on service and other tasks and will not be interrupted when Ralph is clicked.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 44
Level 45 – The Show Must Go On!
Emily and Patrick are worried about Ralph. They suspect there is something going on with him.
Take care of Ralph! A “!” bubble will appear periodically over Ralph during your shift. Click on Ralph to take care of him! Tend to Ralph a total of 5 times before the end of the day to complete this level’s story event challenge.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 45
Level 46 – A Bouquet of Spooky Flowers
A new show is about to start, and Patrick receives praise for his floral arrangements.
Don’t check out only one customer – check out several! Check out at least two or more customers at the register each time today to complete this level’s story challenge.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 46
Level 47 – Not All is Lost
The family’s efforts to keep Ralph’s business open are not enough, and he begins preparing to dismantle the place.
Don’t run out of stock. Keep a close eye on cotton candy sticks during your shift. If you’re running low, click on the jar beside them to restock. Complete your shift without stock ever reaching zero to complete this challenge.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 47
Level 48 – Time for Some Spooky S’mores
Emily has an ace up her sleeve to help Ralph keep his restaurant open.
Don’t make any mistakes! Cotton candy is the culprit today. Keep a close eye on the machine and never let the needle enter the red zone or stop on the blue zone. Remember: green is good!

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 48
Level 49 – For Spooky Ralph!
The crowdfunding campaign is showing weak results, yet some fans are coming by to give Ralph their support.
Encourage Ralph to keep trying! A meter will appear over Ralph’s head throughout the day. Click on Ralph before the meter empties to reset its progress. Complete your shift with the meter never running out, and you’ll earn a diamond for your efforts.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 49
Level 50 – Reunion
The efforts are finally paying off. A figure from Ralph’s past makes an entrance worthy of a hero.
Earn 500 coins in tips. The happier customers are at checkout, the higher the tips they’ll leave! Take especially good care of tables, and you’ll be handsomely rewarded.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 50
Chapter 6 – Home, Sweet Home
Meanwhile, back at Emily’s Garden… Chapter 6 contains Story Levels 51 – 60.
Level 51 – Francois Only Had One Job
Evelyn discovers the state of the garden, and it looks like Francois didn’t pay attention to Emily.
Prepare the oven in the garden. At the start of the day, the oven will be marked with a “!” bubble. Click on the oven to begin preparations. A meter will appear displaying your progress. You can stop working on the oven to serve customers any time, just don’t forget to resume work before your shift is finished!

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 51
Level 52 – Journey’s Seeds
Francois figures out how to rejuvenate the garden.
Plant the seeds in the garden. Click on the soil marked with a “!” bubble at the start of the day to have Francois start planting seeds. A meter will appear over his head displaying his progress. Finish planting the seeds before the end of your shift to complete today’s story challenge.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 52
Level 53 – Super Fertilizer
Francois has an idea that will really make the garden flourish!
Make no mistakes! Complete your shift without burning any oven products or prematurely serving the tea before it’s ready. Items in the oven will blink once they’ve finished cooking. For the tea, only click on the kettle to pour once the needle lands in the green zone.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 53
Level 54 – Energy and Vibes
Francois starts using alternative methods to make the plants grow faster.
Keep all the customers happy. Complete your shift with every customer having 3 or more hearts at checkout. The faster you serve customers, the happier they’ll be.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 54
Level 55 – The Family on the Way
The O’Malleys are on their way home, but Francois’ plan for the garden isn’t going as expected…
Stay aware of the garden today. A meter will appear over the garden and slowly empty over time. Click on the garden to check on it and reset the meter. Finish the day without ever letting the meter completely empty to complete today’s story event challenge.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 55
Level 56 – Monstrosity
Francois and Edward should clean the garden.
Don’t burn any baked products. Keep a sharp eye on your pastries today and don’t let anything burn. Finish the day with no burnt products, and you’ll earn a diamond for completing the story goal.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 56
Level 57 – Home, Sweet Home
The O’Malleys arrive and take a look at the garden.
Clean two tables in a row a total of 3 times. Wait until customers have eaten and checked out at both tables, then click on them back-to-back to clear them. Repeat this a total of 3 times to complete today’s story challenge.
Tip! Edward will be the one cleaning tables, meaning Francois can continue to serve and help customers.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 57
Level 58 – Emily, Evelyn, and Coffee
Mother and daughter chat about everything that’s happened this time.
Find all the missing gardening tools! Tools are scattered around the garden. Find all 5 tools before the end of your shift to complete today’s story goal. Tool locations are pictured here:

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 58
Level 59 – Paige’s First Album?
The O’Malleys try to get the album for Paige.
Entertain the twins. The twins can be found playing on a blanket next to the flower stand. Each time a “!” bubble appears over the babies, click on them to play with them! Entertain the twins a total of 4 times during your shift to complete this story goal.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 59
Level 60 – The Party
The adventure has come to an end, but the O’Malleys know the important thing is the journey.
Make all products and variations! There are a total of 18 product variations which can be made in Emily’s garden. Check off the product variations using the numbered list below:
- Orange Flowers with Blue Wrap
- Orange Flowers with Green Ribbon
- Purple Flowers with Blue Wrap
- Purple Flowers with Green Ribbon
- Bowl of Salad
- Candied Orange Slices
- Baked Bread Roll with Raisin Topping
- Baked Apple Pie
- Baked Cherry Pie
- Cupcake
- Garden Trowel
- Sun Hat
- Pruning Shears
- Green Tea in Short Mug
- Green Tea in Tall Mug
- Red Tea in Short Mug
- Red Tea in Tall Mug
- Bread with Cream and Fresh Fruit (Melon or Berry)

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – Level 60 Items
Congratulations! You’ve completed Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip!
Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Challenges
Looking for a challenge? Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip features 30 challenge levels across all chapters. Collect hidden items, complete difficult tasks and more! Read more about each challenge, including tips and tricks on how to complete them below. Note: This section does not contain Daily Challenges.
⫸ Chapter 1 – Tough Decisions
Challenge 1-1 – Checkout Frenzy
Here’s a restauranteur’s trick for stressful days: checkout multiple customers at once!
Check out 3 customers at once, a total of two times, to complete today’s challenge. Customers waiting to pay behind the front 3 customers will need to have the register clicked again to check them out.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 1-1
Challenge 1-2 – Full Tray-ning
Serve only full trays.
Serve 5 full trays of items. Fill all 3 slots of your tray with items customers request, then deliver them all back-to-back. Repeat this a total of 5 times to complete today’s challenge.
Tip! You can also split up orders when doing this challenge. The screenshot below shows an example: Emily’s tray contains two single orders and half of a larger order:

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 1-2
Challenge 1-3 – Smoothies for Everyone!
Grab 12 smoothies.
Create 12 delicious smoothies! Click on the smoothie maker at the very start of the day to get an early start on this challenge. Make 12 delicious smoothies and place them on your tray to complete the challenge. You can remove extra items you don’t need by clicking the icon on the service tray.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 1-3
Challenge 1-4 – An Eye on the Stock
Don’t run out of stock.
Keep the bags of onions in stock! The number next to the onion bag will display how much stock is remaining. Click on the onion below the bag to restock.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 1-4
Challenge 1-5 – Risky Checkouts
Checkout customers when a heart is shaking.
Check customers out at the register at the last possible moment! As a customer waits, their mood will decrease until the heart above their head begins to shake. As soon as you see this shaking heart, quickly click on the register to check them out. Check out a total of 10 customers with shaking hearts to complete today’s challenge.
Tip! Serve customers at the register at the same time, so that their hearts decrease at the same rate. Then you’ll be able to check out multiple customers with shaking hearts at the same time!

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 1-5
⫸ Chapter 2 – Pit Stop
Challenge 2-1 – Old Mood
We need to live up to expectations! Serve 17 ecstatic customers.
Serve 17 ecstatic customers. Ecstatic customers will have the maximum number of 5 hearts above their heads. Serving full orders quickly is a great way to increase their hearts and happiness. Check out 17 customers with 5 hearts by the end of your shift to complete this challenge.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 2-1
Challenge 2-2 – Quick Hook
The customers want to get back to it as soon as possible. Work quicker!
Earn 17 Quick Bonuses during your shift. Serve orders within a handful of seconds when a customer orders to earn a Quick Bonus.
Tip! Try keeping an extra popular item on your tray to make service even quicker!

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 2-2
Challenge 2-3 – Non-Stop Diner
Everybody’s ready to dance. Don’t you dare stop for even a second!
Don’t stand still for longer than 8 seconds at any point during the day. It’s important to always keep on your toes! Alternate clicking between the register and the glass beneath the counter to keep moving without adding any extra items to your tray.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 2-3
Challenge 2-4 – Murphy’s Law
Sometimes it seems like everything’s against you. Even the trays are falling apart!
Work with a breaking tray. The longer you play, the smaller your service tray will become. Work on getting those big service combos by serving multiple orders together at the start of the day. By the end, you’ll only have one tray slot remaining!

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 2-4
Challenge 2-5 – Times of Uncertainty
Everybody chill! Make sure all customers have 3 hearts or more at all times!
Don’t let any customer drop below 3 hearts at any time during your shift. Restock at the start of the day to save time later – you’ll want to give your full attention to customers today. Don’t keep anyone waiting too long, and remember – serve items quickly, and you’ll improve customers’ moods.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 2-5
⫸ Chapter 3 – Perfect Strangers
Challenge 3-1 – The Food Chain
Have customers line up to taste our delicious food!
Make a chain of combos. By serving at least two full orders back-to-back, you’ll earn the consecutive “In-a-Row” Chain Bonus! Serve at least two full orders, back-to-back, a total of 6 times to complete this challenge level.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 3-1
Challenge 3-2 – Fully Served
Let’s serve it the way great waiters do! Everything at once.
Serve only full orders. To complete this challenge level, you must bring all the items a customer requests in a single service trip for all the customers who arrive today. Don’t split any orders.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 3-2
Challenge 3-3 – The Stomach Rumble Symphony
The kids are starving after an exciting day at the ranch. Feed them double orders!
Table customers will order twice. Pay extra attention to the table customers today. You’ll need to serve both their orders quickly to keep their mood up. Customers will eat their first order before thinking of a second.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 3-3
Challenge 3-4 – Forgetful Customers
Beware: An exciting day at the ranch may cause hyperactivity, fatigue, and selective amnesia.
Customers will forget their orders today. Once a customer requests an item, they will forget their order approximately 4 seconds later. Try preparing orders as soon as they’re made and keep the gravy pot hot – just in case.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 3-4
Challenge 3-5 – Culinary Double-Check
How can you be sure you got it right? By making every product twice!
Make each product twice. Each time a customer orders, you’ll need to make each item they ask for twice, back-to-back. For example, if a customer orders an onion skewer and a wheel of cheese, you’ll need to make two onion skewers, then pick up two wheels of cheese. Extra items you don’t serve will be kept on your tray. You can use these extra items for quick service later – you only need to make an item twice if it’s ordered while not on your tray.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 3-5
⫸ Chapter 4 – Looks Can Be Deceiving
Challenge 4-1 – Broken Register
The cash register is broken, and the repairman is on vacation. We’ll just have to make do!
Work with a broken register. The register will break down multiple times today and takes approximately 3 seconds to fix. Click on the register to repair it. You may need to click on it more than once before repairs will begin.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 4-1
Challenge 4-2 – Seizing the Beer Tap
Everyone is thirsty. Rose should take care of that!
Pour 22 beers during your shift. Restock beer glasses by clicking on the glasses next to the darts beneath the counter. Click on the stocked glasses beside the beer tap to begin pouring. Next, click the tap again once the needle lands in the green zone to pour the perfect beer. You can remove any extra beer from your tray by tapping the item icon.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 4-2
Challenge 4-3 – Stoic Service
No matter how stressful it gets, pause to take a deep breath and don’t move for 30 seconds.
Don’t move for 30 seconds. Waiting until the end of the day is the best way to accomplish today’s challenge. Leave at least 1 customer in the restaurant at the end of your shift, then don’t move! Wait 30 seconds for the goal to pop, then resume service. This way, you can still get a 3-star score and only negatively affect 1 customer.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 4-3
Challenge 4-4 – Energy Drop
All the fuss is taking its toll on Rose.
Rose is tired today and will move slower than usual. Restock items at the start of the day to get a head start. You can also keep an extra item or two on your tray to save on prep time. Try to minimize running around and instead focus on doing multiple tasks in the same area when possible.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 4-4
Challenge 4-5 – The Tray Deception
It’s such a difficult world. You never know when a tray might simply stop holding your products…
Products will periodically fall from the tray today. Rose will make a face when products are about to fall. Pay attention to the shift clock: Items will fall approximately at the same time as the clock hand reaches a nock or line on the clockface.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 4-5
⫸ Chapter 5 – Second Chances
Challenge 5-1 – The Taste of Experience
It’s what gives food that extra something! Deliver 15 products that were already on your tray.
Deliver 15 products that are already on the tray. Just like Ralph, this challenge is especially tricky. The best strategy to use is to completely fill your tray with popular items – we recommend the candy apple teeth, spider web cotton candy, and the candy corn pudding. Each time a customer orders, cross off any items they don’t ask for from the tray to serve them the remaining items they need. Refill your tray with items as soon as you deliver their order. There’s no penalty for removing items from your tray, and you’ll be doing it often for this particular challenge.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 5-1
Challenge 5-2 – Multi-Use Tray
Work with blocked tray slots!
Work with blocked tray slots. The second slot of your tray will be locked at the start of the day. Items can still be added to the second slot of your tray, but they will not be accessible so long as they’re in the locked second slot. As soon as you serve the first item on your tray, the item behind the second locked slot will slide into the first slot – becoming servable – while any items in the third slot will slide into the second locked slot, becoming inaccessible until the first item is served or removed.
To be most efficient, divide orders into groups of two. For example, if customer #1 orders candy apple teeth and a chocolate lollipop, and customer #2 orders a green potion, create the items and place them on your tray in the following order:
- Candy apple teeth
- Green potion (locked)
- Chocolate lollipop
This way, you can serve all the items the first customer wants as a full order, while getting a head start on the next customers’ order.
You can remove any extra items from your tray by clicking their icon. Clicking the first item icon will slide the second, previously-locked item into a usable slot.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 5-2
Challenge 5-3 – Fresh Preservation
Fresh – that’s how food should always be served!
Don’t let any products melt. This challenge applies specifically to potions. After making a potion and placing it in a bottle, it will be added to your tray. Once a potion is added to your tray, it will expire approximately 7 seconds later. When serving orders with potions, make the potion last, then immediately serve the order. You may need to split up orders with multiple potions to complete today’s challenge.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 5-3
Challenge 5-4 – Fast and Fresh Food
It’s time for the Fresh Product Challenge!
Like Challenge 5-3, serve potions fresh. A meter in the upper right corner will begin to empty as soon as a potion has been placed on your tray. As soon as a potion is added to your tray, serve it to the customer before it expires.
Tip! If an item is about to expire on your tray, tap the product icon to remove it before it goes bad. You’ll need to remake the item, but you won’t be penalized and can continue the challenge.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 5-4
Challenge 5-5 – Triple Checkout
It’s scientifically proven: Charging three customers at once is always more satisfying.
Check out 3 customers at the same time a total of 4 times. Serve customers until 3 are ready to check out at the register, then click the register to collect payment. Repeat this a total of 4 times to complete this challenge.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 5-5
⫸ Chapter 6 – Home, Sweet Home
Challenge 6-1 – Quick Service
Get 3 quick bonuses in a row!
Earn 3 Quick Bonuses in a row. Bring a customer all the items they request within a handful of seconds to earn a Quick Bonus. If the next customer is still thinking about their order, don’t worry – if you serve it quickly after they make the order, it’ll count as a consecutive Quick Bonus.
Tip! Tea is key. Try keeping a cup of tea ready-prepped on your tray to save time!

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 6-1
Challenge 6-2 – No Mistakes Allowed!
Francois is feeling confident today: Don’t throw away or burn any products!
Don’t make any mistakes during your shift. Keep the tea from overflowing by only pouring it when needed and keep an extra close eye on the oven to make sure nothing burns.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 6-2
Challenge 6-3 – Mystery Service
Test your brain and finish the shift without seeing what you’re carrying on the tray.
Work with a mystery tray. As soon as an item is added to your tray, the product icon will be replaced with a question “?” mark. Focus on serving one or two customers at a time and making the items in the order the customers list them – this way you’ll always know what’s on your tray, even when you can’t see it!

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 6-3
Challenge 6-4 – Sparkling Tables
If history has taught us anything, it’s that dirty tables are bad news. Clean the tables within 10 seconds.
Clean the tables within 10 seconds! Edward will be the one cleaning tables, so Francois can focus on serving customers. Keep a close eye on table customers – as soon as they leave, the “!” bubble indicating the table needs to be cleaned will appear. Click on the table right away to clean it – it always takes Edward a couple seconds to get there.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 6-4
Challenge 6-5 – Fair Service
It’s important to teach the twins good values. Serve everyone in the order they come in.
Serve customers in the order they arrive at the garden. Try to keep your eyes on the first customer, and your finger or cursor hovered over the second. This will help you keep track of customers while waiting on or preparing orders. Serve all customers in the order they enter to complete this challenge.

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Challenge 6-5
Congratulations! You’ve completed all the Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip challenges!
Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Mouse Locations
Carl the mouse is ready to go on a road trip, too! He’s hidden in all story levels of Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip. Can you find all the mice? Scroll down to reveal all mice locations!
Chapter 1 – Tough Decisions
All Mouse Locations in Story Levels 1 – 10:

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Chapter 1 Mice Locations
Chapter 2 – Pit Stop
All Mouse Locations in Story Levels 11 – 20:

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Chapter 2 Mice Locations
Chapter 3 – Perfect Strangers
All Mouse Locations in Story Levels 21 – 30:

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Chapter 3 Mice Locations
Chapter 4 – Looks Can Be Deceiving
All Mouse Locations in Story Levels 31 – 40:

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Chapter 4 Mice Locations
Chapter 5 – Second Chances
All Mouse Locations in Story Levels 41 – 50:

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Chapter 5 Mice Locations
Chapter 6 – Home, Sweet Home
All Mouse Locations in Story Levels 51 – 60:

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip – Chapter 6 Mice Locations
Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Trophies
The Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip trophies and achievements section lists all unlockable game achievements. Below you’ll find the name and description of each trophy, including how to unlock them. Trophies and achievements can be viewed in-game by selecting the Trophy icon in the upper right corner of the level select map.
Trophy Name | Description | How to Unlock |
The Road Awaits | Complete the tutorial. | Complete Level 1 with at least 1 star. |
Heatin’ Up | Complete Level 5. | Finish Story Levels 1 – 5 with at least 1 star. |
Tough Decisions | Complete the first chapter. | Finish Story Levels 1 – 10 with at least 1 star. |
Pit Stop | Complete all the levels at Betty’s Restaurant. | Finish Story Levels 11 – 20 with at least 1 star. |
Perfect Strangers | Complete all the levels at Tully’s Ranch. | Finish Story Levels 21 – 30 with at least 1 star. |
Looks Can Be Deceiving | Complete all the levels at Rose’s Tavern. | Finish Story Levels 31 – 40 with at least 1 star. |
Second Chances | Complete all the levels at Ralph’s Horror Café. | Finish Story Levels 41 – 50 with at least 1 star. |
Home, Sweet Home | Complete all the levels at Emily’s Garden. | Finish Story Levels 51 – 60 with at least 1 star. |
Contest Specialist | Complete all the story events. | Successfully complete all the story challenges in Story Levels 1 – 60. |
Completist Shopper | Buy every product from every shop. | Click Emily’s van on the far left of a chapter’s level select screen to access the Shop. Purchase all the items in each individual chapter to unlock this achievement. |
New Tastes | Unlock every product upgrade for every menu. | After selecting a level on the level select map, the Menu screen will appear. Click on a product to upgrade it. Lock icons will appear over any products that have not been unlocked with descriptions of how to unlock them. Unlock all products in Chapters 1 – 6 to earn this trophy. |
Mice Hunter | Find Carl the Mouse in every level of the game. | Locate Carl the Mouse in all Story Levels 1 – 60. For all mice locations, visit the Mouse Locations section. |
Wish Upon a Star | Unlock all three stars in every level of the game. | Complete Story Levels 1 – 60 with a score of 3 stars per level. |
Sounds Like a Challenge! | Unlock all three stars during every challenge in the game. | Complete all Challenge Levels with a score of 3 stars per challenge. |
A Nice Camp | Use diamonds to purchase all the camp’s stuff. | Access the Camp by clicking the furniture icon in the upper right corner of the level select screen. Use diamonds you’ve earned to purchase all the upgrades available in the camp. Diamonds are earned by completing Story challenge goals (x1 each), Challenge star goals (x3 each), or by completing Daily Challenges (x3 each). |

Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Official Walkthrough – All Trophies
Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip Video Walkthrough
Welcome to the official Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip video walkthrough! This section is a 100% complete video strategy guide. The Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip walkthrough videos contain all story levels and challenges, including 3-star scores and mouse locations.
Click the Play button below to get started. You can select a specific level or challenge by clicking the options icon in the upper left corner of the video frame.
Warning: The Delicious – Emily’s Road Trip video walkthrough contains cutscenes and story spoilers!
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